Working Together for a Healthier Community
People are more successful at making lasting healthy changes when our communities support healthy lifestyles. The Family Nutrition Program offers free nutrition education classes for SNAP-eligible youth in Florida and works with local partners to support healthy food and beverage options and opportunities for physical activity.

Consultations & Technical Assistance
Want to make a healthy change in your organization or community, but aren’t sure where to start? An FNP specialist can offer resources, strategies and assistance with next steps. FNP provides guidance to partners around the state on which projects may work best in each community and how to support their success. Learn more by connecting with FNP in your area.
We have helped with:

Networking & Coalition Building
The greatest impact can be achieved when groups and organizations work together and share information. FNP participates in dynamic collaborations across the state and at the local level to tackle complex issues that impact Florida residents. By connecting non-profits, social service providers, community-based organizations, local governments and academic institutions, FNP supports opportunities to develop shared goals and innovative approaches.
Some examples of coalitions FNP has led or participated in:
Free Resources
Click on the images below to download in PDF format.
A free book (with coloring sheets) for kids that illustrates the benefits of hand washing, and a video of the book being read out loud.